Albion Park Rail Public School

All Striving For The Best

Telephone02 4256 1287

Email[email protected]

Parents and Citizens' Association (P&C)

Welcome to Our Community 

Our amazing P&C has a proud tradition of supporting Albion Park Rail Public School for many years and has raised and contributed a huge amount of funds and resources to help in the education of our students.

Joining the P&C is a positive way to demonstrate to your child that you are involved in the school community and their education. The children love to see their families involved in the school.

If you are a new member to our wonderful school community we would love to welcome you!

Our monthly meetings are held on the last Wednesday of each month at 6pm in the school Library. We like to keep them informal and relaxed. We would love the input of new members and the community. You do not need to be a P&C member to attend. As a P&C member you are able to be involved in decisions being made about your child’s education with the Principal and other parents during our meetings. We have a Facebook group that also helps us connect with our school community, allowing us to share school and P&C information. Click HERE for Facebook Group link. 

Why not consider joining us? We would love to meet you.